Dr. Ethan McCarthy
Below is my Academic CV. For my software engineering résumé, click here [pdf].
I also have highlights from my CV compiled into a one-page academic résumé, click here [pdf].
- Visiting Assistant Professor, 2018-2020, University of Florida.
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2012-2018, University of Florida.
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, 2010-2012, Michigan State University.
- Ph.D. Mathematics, 2018. The University of Wisconsin—Madison.
- M.A. Mathematics, 2014. The University of Wisconsin—Madison.
- B.S. Mathematics, Summa Cum Laude, 2012. Michigan State University.
- Pointwise complexity of the derivative of a computable function. Archive for Mathematical Logic 60 (2021), 981–994. [doi] [SharedIt]
- Cototal enumeration degrees and their applications to effective mathematics. Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 146 (2018), 3541-3552. [doi]
- Strong difference randomness and jump domination. Preprint.
- Characterizing the strongly jump-traceable sets via diagonal non-computability. Preprint.
Selected Awards and Honors
- Graduate Research Fellowship, 2013, National Science Foundation.
- President's Scholarship, 2012, University of Wisconsin—Madison.
- Herbert T. Graham Scholar (twice named), 2011 and 2012, Department of Mathematics, MSU.
- Trustee Scholarship, 2010-2012, Michigan State University.
- AMS Math in Moscow Scholarship, 2012, American Mathematical Society.
- International Studies and Programs Scholarship, 2012, Michigan State University.
- Herzog Mathematical Competition, First Prize, 2011, Michigan State University.
Other Research and Training
- Asian Initiative for Infinity Graduate Summer School, National University of Singapore, July 2013. Singapore.
- 21st Annual PCMI Undergraduate Summer School, Subject: Geometric Group Theory, Institute for Advanced Study, Park City Math Institute, Summer 2012. Park City, Utah.
- “Math in Moscow” National Research University—Higher School of Economics and The Independent University of Moscow, Spring 2012. Moscow.
- Independent research program, Geometric combinatorics and dynamical systems, Michigan State University, Fall 2011. East Lansing, Michigan.
- Midsummer Combinatorics Workshop XVII, Charles University. Summer School in Combinatorics. July, 2011. Prague.
- DIMACS Center for Discrete Math and Theoretical Computer Science, Rutgers University. Visiting Researcher, REU, Summer 2011. Piscataway, New Jersey.
Selected Presentations
- Dagstuhl Seminar # 20161. Descriptive Set Theory and Computable Topology. Topological aspects of enumeration degree spectra. Invited (cancelled, COVID-19). April 2020. Dagstuhl, Germany.
- Workshop on Computability Theory 2019. University of Leeds. Cototal enumeration degrees in symbolic dynamics. Invited. July 2019. Leeds.
- Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University of Connecticut. Cototal enumeration degrees and effective mathematics. Invited. Special session on Computability Theory. April 2019. Hartford, Connecticut.
- 14th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE2018), Kiel University. Cototal enumeration degrees and the their applications to effective mathematics. Invited. Special session on computability with imperfect information. July 2018. Kiel, Germany.
- Midwest Computability Seminar XXI, University of Chicago. Cototal enumeration degrees and the degree spectra of minimal subshifts. April 17, 2018. Chicago.
- Southeastern Logic Symposium (SEALS) 2018, University of Florida. Cototal enumeration degrees and their applications to effective mathematics. March 2018. Gainesville, Florida.
- Logic Colloquium, UW—Madison. Cototal enumeration degrees and their applications to effective mathematics. November 2017. Madison, Wisconsin.
- Student Logic Seminar, UW—Madison. Strong difference randomness. November 2017. Madison, Wisconsin.
- 13th Conference on Computability in Europe (CiE2017), University of Turku. Cototal enumeration degrees and the Turing degree spectra of minimal subshifts. June 2017. Turku, Finland.
- 18th Graduate Student Conference in Logic, UIUC. Minimal subshifts and the cototal enumeration degrees. April 2017. Urbana, Illinois.
- Student Logic Seminar, UW—Madison. Strong jump-traceability and diagonal non-computability. April 2017. Madison, Wisconsin.
- Student Logic Seminar, UW—Madison. Minimal subshifts and the cototal enumeration degrees (Series). December 2016. Madison, Wisconsin.
- 2016 Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis. Universidade do Algarve. Slopes of computable real-valued functions, June 15-17, 2016. Faro, Portugal.
- Logic Colloquium, UW—Madison. Slopes of computable real-valued functions. February 2016. Madison, Wisconsin.
- Student Logic Seminar, UW—Madison. Slopes of computable real-valued functions (Series). October 2015. Madison, Wisconsin.
- Logic Colloquium, UW—Madison. Randomness for capacities and members of Martin-Löf random sets (Specialty Exam). May 2015. Madison, Wisconsin.
- 2014 CMS Winter Meeting, Canadian Mathematical Society. Counting periodic billiard paths on some tessellating polygons. December 7, 2014. Hamilton, Ontario.
- Midsummer Combinatorics Workshop XVII, Charles University. Periodic billiard paths on edge-tessellating polygons. July 29th, 2011. Prague.
Organizing and Volunteering
- Southeastern Logic Seminar (SEALS), University of Florida. Co-PI Spring, 2020.
- Logic Seminar, University of Florida. Organizer 2018-2019.
- Logic Picnic, UW—Madison. Organizer. September 20, 2018.
- Mega Math Meet, (Primary School Math Competition), UW—Madison. Graduate Volunteer. May 18, 2017.
- 15th Graduate Student Conference in Logic, UW—Madison. Organizer. April 2014.
University of Florida, Department of Mathematics
- Visiting Assistant Professor, 2018-2020.
- Analytic Geometry and Calculus II. Fall 2018.
- Foundations of Mathematics. Spring 2019.
- Mathematical Logic 1. Fall 2019.
- Sets and Logic. Spring 2020.
- Differential Equations. Spring 2020.
University of Wisconsin—Madison, Department of Mathematics
- Graduate Teaching Assistant, 2012-2018.
- Calculus (for business majors)
- Calculus with Algebra and Trigonometry II
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry III
- Grader
- Linear Algebra. Summer 2015.
- Analysis I. Spring 2013.
Michigan State University, Department of Mathematics
- Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, 2010-2011.
- Finite Mathematics and Elements of College Algebra
- Math Learning Center Tutor, 2010-2011.
- Multivariable Calculus
- Linear Algebra
- Differential Equations
The Art of Problem Solving
- Grader, 2014-2018, 2020-2021.
- Introduction to Programming with Python
- Intermediate Programming
- Association for Symbolic Logic, 2012-2018.
- American Mathematical Society, 2012-2018.
- Canadian Mathematical Society, 2014.